Five Common Problems of a Garage Door: Side Seal Problems to Unusual Noises

Five Common Problems of a Garage Door: Side Seal Problems to Unusual Noises

If your garage door is acting up—making noise, looking uneven, or moving slower than usual—don't stress. There's likely a simple fix.

Understanding what's going on can ease your mind, and if needed, you can always call a professional garage door repair company to swiftly address the issue and ensure safety.

Garage Door: Side Seal Problems to Unusual Noises

Even the most dependable garage doors can encounter major issues that can't be solved with a few button presses. Here are some common problems and how to repair them

Problem Number 1: Water leaks

When water starts leaking under your garage door, a broken seal is often to blame. As soon as rain hits the door, it can seep into your garage. The solution? Replace that old, worn-out garage door side seal with a new, reliable one.

Here's how to tackle garage door sealing:

  • Clean your concrete garage floor, then apply a threshold seal using adhesive.
  • Upgrade to a larger bottom seal for your garage door.
  • If your garage floor has a slope, invest in an adjustable aluminium retainer to ensure proper sealing.

Problem Number 2: Slow Opening

Follow these steps:

  • Close the garage door and clean the tracks, brackets, and hinges to remove any grease and grime buildup.
  • Use a penetrating oil or spray garage door lubricant to apply a few drops to these parts. If you're reaching the upper hinges, use a stepladder safely. Wear goggles and a dust mask if using a spray.
  • Open and close the door multiple times to evenly distribute the lubricant.

Problem Number 3: Motor Runs Without Door Moving

If you press the button to open and the motor starts running but your door stays still, it might be due to misaligned limits. This causes the door to move, but the motor continues running after the door stops moving. Pay close attention to the motor sounds. Adjust the limits to indicate when the motor should stop.

If the door doesn't move at all, it could be disconnected from the belt. Depending on your installation system, follow specific directions to reattach the belt. This commonly occurs if someone accidentally pulls the emergency release cord.

Problem Number 4: Transmitter Problems

If your remote control isn't opening your garage door smoothly, it might just need a quick fix—replacing the batteries.

Here's how:

Test the transmitter inside your garage to identify the issue. If the door doesn't open, there's a deeper problem. But if it does, it's likely the batteries are dead.

To change the batteries, typically remove the back of the remote (sometimes with a screwdriver). Make sure the batteries are inserted correctly to avoid mistaking the issue if the remote still doesn't work.

Problem Number 5: Unusual Noises

When your garage door makes noises, it's usually a sign of a problem:

Squeaking: It means the rollers might need lubrication or replacement. Apply lubricant or call a professional.

Rattling: Something might be loose. Tighten all hardware like nuts and bolts.

Popping: This could be a problem with the torsion spring. It's dangerous to fix on your own, so call a professional.

Some Extra Tips

Keeping your garage door in good shape is easy with these basic tips:

  • Clean and lubricate rollers and tracks every season to prevent wear and dirt buildup.
  • Tighten hardware regularly to avoid loose parts causing problems.
  • Have professionals check and replace springs and pulleys as needed.
  • If you can't fix the issues yourself, consider hiring a professional door installer or repair technician.